Our Winter Melon

Our Winter Melon
At 37 weeks Our Baby is the size a Winter Melon

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Doctor's Appointment Update

So my girl is doing great. She is measuring up to where she is suppost to be and she weighs a whole 3 lbs and 13 oz. so almost at 4 pounds. She's still a tiny thing but the last month is when the babes really put on the pounds so does Mama =/ She is very active and is already head down! I was praying because I really didn't want her breeched. I know they can still turn but it gives me hope every appointment. I did have a ultrasound but the pics arn't that great. Usually I see them great and can make them out but since the Doctor was doing the measurements they are random shots that you are like what is that? Monday night my colostrum came in so hopefully I don't start leaking everywhere anytime soon?! Tuesday I have another appointment for a ultrasound so hopefully I will get some good shots and my girl will be cheesin' for the cam =D Until Tueday XOXO

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

33 Weeks

It's amazing how fast I feel this pregnancy is going by. I am getting anxious to meet my little Gia. I feel great I don't feel like the heat is too much or swollen or anxious to get her out. Just anxious to meet her. To get to know her and watch her little personality and for Meelah to finally have a bestfriend. Meelah loves to play with kids at the park but sometimes the bigger kids ignore her because she's little =( But soon she will have a playmate that will always be there and who at times she may try to ignore...lol. But I'm excited to see how close they will be <3 I feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity to be Meelah's mother. My heart is overjoyed that God is giving me another gift to treasure. I weigh 137 So that's 1 pound for the week. I try not to go too over board with the sweets so I am trying to eat a lot of fruit to help that need for sweets but sometimes I just can't help it. Although the other day I did eat a whole half of a Watermelon in one sitting by myself =p (Not a small melon either!)I took Meelah to the Park the other day and I WALKED. I think I did good considering we live on a hill. I just felt really sweaty and hot at that last peak to almost being home. I think that will be the last walk to the park til after Gia is born but I was very proud of myself. I honestly can say it's a breeze as far along as I am. I have no complaints (Don't tell Solomon because sometimes I still like to use the I'm pregnant card...hehehe). I'm not complaining because it was worse my first pregnancy but in the middle of the night I get leg cramps in my thighs, calves and feet. I tried eating a banana before bed the other night and for some weird reason I had more cramps than usual =/ The nurse suggested more Calcium. So I will try that (poo I'm not a big milk fan and everyone knows my relationship with cheese) So I guess it's more Ice cream haha jk. Tomorrow I have another Doctor's appointment. So I will keep you updated XOXO from this Mama <3

Thursday, June 21, 2012

32 Weeks

So this pregnancy is flying by! Pretty soon I will have 2 beautiful little girls. I am getting exciting just thinking about what Gia will look like. And I am really starting to enjoy being pregnant. I love feeling Gia kick especially since she didn't kick very much at all in the beginning. Now she goes crazy especially at church =)I am starting to use the bathroom everytime I shift positions or get up from sitting or laying down. I am not swollen all over how I was with Meelah. My weight is almost the same as it was with Meelah at 32 weeks.I weighed 136 pounds with Meelah and now with Gia I weigh 135. I'm averaging gaining 2 lbs a week now. I know it is all Gia. I try to sustain from really salty foods, but I still have a sweet tooth for sugar especially chocolate (...Mmmmmm). I remember the feeling of love when I first had Meelah how instantly my love just was strong and never ending. How could I be so in love with someone I just met? I would do anything for her. Now I'm feeling so blessed to experience that again. That's what gets me past the thought of labor. <3 My hair is growing overnight. I have to sleep with it up now every night because Solomon lays on it or I pull it myself under my own arm. And my nails are so strong and long. These are great benefits of pregnancy =) I know time is getting closer, but I really have no complaints. Everyone always asks, "Are you ready to get that kid out?" and I always answer, "Nope not yet!" Even having a 20 month old and keeping up with her crazy butt this pregnancy hasn't really had a toll on my body yet. This pregnancy gives me hope that I could have another baby and really enjoy being pregnant. Yes everyone I do want another baby one day! I don't know why that sounds so crazy to people. I'm not saying I want to become Octomom!! But children are such a blessing. How ever many God puts on Solomon and my heart. Rather we stop at 3 or how ever many =) Stop acting like 2 kids is a lot. Now With that said I have a Doctors appointment next week so I will keep you all posted.

Friday, May 18, 2012

27 weeks Prego Shots ;)

27 Weeks

So I have a full on bump going on now! It moves and shifts and all the other interesting stuff that comes with this precious package :) I weigh 126 so I have gained about 16 pounds over night. I wish I could take those cute little belly pics but I'm taking the pics myself so these bathroom shots gotta work (but I truly am thinking of investing in a nice tripod soon!) but as for the pregnacy we are set on a name for our Sweet baby girl, her Daddy chose it and it will be Gia Soelle <3 Gia means God's Grace and Soelle is a mixture of my name and Solomon's name together (SOlomon/daniELLE). I get exciting thinking Of her. Wondering what she will look like, if she will look like Meelah and Solomon or will she look like me? Will she have curly hair like Meelah? I wonder how Meelah is gonna feel knowing I love her to death and to pieces but now I'm going to have to share my love. Considering her new favorite words to everyone are, "My Mama!!" (even to her Dad) But she is a loving girl and I know her and her sister will love each other and be so close but that initial feeling of her feeling like what's going on really gets me thinking. I have already. T cried knowing I will have to leave Meelah over night when I do have Gia. I wish she could stay with me. I wish I. Luke have a homebirth just so Meelah could be there. I never leave my girl she is always by my side :( Well as the weeks progress I'm feeling more and more pregnant and I'm ok with that. I love feeling the kicks in my tummy and the moving in there. I always tell solomon to look when my tummy is shifting but he is never too patient to stay still and be patient to watch. I'm starting to sometimes get thoses good ol' cramps in my feet when I sleep. But they are manageable right now. They aren't the ones yet that are in your legs and you jump up becAuse you think you are starting to go paralyzed! I have to sit up straight now because I feel Gia shift if I'm too hunched over. I am excited and feel blessed to have such a beautiful part of Gods creation growing inside me. I am one blessed Mama XOXO

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

22 Weeks

Now at 22 weeks I am starting to really look pregnant now. I think my stomach did some growing last week. I remember I was laying down and Solomon seen me and was like, "Babe you really popped!" Well considering I'm not growing as fast as I did with Meelah this time around. We also did get double checked and it is another girl =) I haven't felt fluttering in a couple weeks I think at 18 weeks I felt some for aw
hile but not no more. I read the baby sleeps 12-14 hours a day at this point in there. We still don't have a name for her =/ I like some names but I don't really like the meaning so then I have to pass on them. I am really picky. A name is important, it is what she will be called for the rest of her life!! Meelah is really good about learning about babies. She is starting to rock her dolls, puts them in the baby swing and sings to them, gives them bottles, wraps them in a blanket, she talks to my belly and says, 'Hi Thister, Hi Baby!" She even loves to put lotion on my belly to prevent the stretch marks. She is amazing, but she also keeps me on my toes. Sometimes I think how am I going to do it with 2 babies. I know I am not the only mother in the world but it's hard with one baby and the thought that 2 are gonna be here with me all day is crazy. Especially the whole nursing thing. That is very time consuming and draining but I know it is the best thing for my baby so I'm down to do it again. Meelah was and is always in the 90th+ percentile for weight and height and I know that had a lot to do with it. So I plan on doing the same with this little one <3. I have to pee like crazy already. My belly button I can see is starting to change into a outtie. That line that goes down on my tummy is apppearing more but still is very light. I am not swollen yet (thank God). It is really hard for me to keep up with this blog considering we have a very busy and Chaotic life at the moment. But I will try to do better. This is very time consuming and Meelah is always wanting to touch the computer when it's on. She is always with me and when she sleeps I try to take care of other things or rest. But I will try to squeeze this in if not at least me weekly 'Growing Belly Picture' XOXO Danielle

19 Weeks